SET 9002 People



Thee are two types of word stamps in this set. The first set in print measures approx. .25″ high. Width varies by word. Includes 16 words:

A, Beautiful, Couple, Dear, For, Handsome, It’s, Loving, My, New, Our, Precious, Special, To, Sweet, Your

The second set in cursive measures approx. .5″ high.  Width varies by word.  Includes 29 words

Aunt, Baby, Boy, Brother, Brother in Law, Cousin, Daughter, Father in Law, Father, Friend, Grandma, Grandfather, Grandpa, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Girl, Grandson, great, Mother, Mother in law, Nephew, Husband, Niece, Sister in law, Sweetheart, Son, Sister, Uncle, Wife.

Mix and match this set with Set 9001 Occasions.

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